CISM – CISA Colaboration

Angola is a TESA network member and, based on this partnership, a delegation of the Angolan Health Research Centre (CISA) visited Manhiça in April and May 2018. Participants familiarised themselves with the CISM research platform and research activities in general and with technical and management topics. A follow-up visit took place in February 2020 when […]

PREFIT, kick off meeting

KICK OFF MEETING: The PREFIT kick off meeting is taking place from March 30th to April 3rd. Due to the current situation of the Corona Virus pandemic, the meeting is being done via skype with the participation of project partners namely: Netherlands, Switzerland, Uganda, South Africa, Mozambique. PREFIT PROJECT The aim of PreFIT is to […]

Quality Management Systems Course

The training was held in Zimbabwe, Harare, from 15 to 17 August 2018. Trainers: Dr Junior Mutsvangwa (BRTI), Dr Agness Farai Nhidza-Manjoro (BRTI), Dr Shungu Munyati (BRTI), Mrs Beauty Makamure (BRTI), Mrs Shelter Nyauzame (BRTI) and Mr Simon Chigeza (BRTI)Trainees: Jonhera Catherine (AIBST-Zimbabwe); Kampira Elizabeth (BHRTT-Malawi); Kamulanje Henry (Malawi); Kathryn F. Boyd (IDRL-Zimbabwe); Manhiça Geraldo […]