The TESA VII Steering Committee took place on February 20-21, 2020 at Garden Court and Southern Sun Hotel, in Johannesburg.

The objectives of the meeting were the following:

1. To ensure accomplishment of the activities as set out in Annex 1 before project close out.

2. To Access the current technical and financial implementation situation of each site and discuss and address the critical issues

3. To review and discuss the TESA Work Plan

4. To discuss and address the critical issues from the implementation perspective

5. To Discuss and provide a decision making based on the TESA Corrective Action Plan

Almost all sites were present namely, Manhica Health Research Center-CISM (Eusebio Macete, Rodrigues Matcheve and Teresa Machai Macete), Botswana Partnership Aids Institute (Rosemary Musonda & Sikulilo Moyo through Zoom), University of Stellenbosch (SUN)-Andre Loxton, UTH-Zambia (Duncan Chanda and Mwansa Lubeya), UZCHS (Lynn Zijenah), BHRTT (Newton Kumwenda), BRTT (Junior Mutsvangwa), UCT (Michelle Tomasicchio, CISA (Claudia Fancony), LTCR (Benediction Mdlalose), ISGLOBAL (Alberto Garcia Basteiro through Zoom) and AIGHD Netherlands (Frank Cobelens through Zoom)

Dr Macete (Consortium Coordinator) welcomed all participants and highlighted the objectives of the meeting followed by agenda presentation.

Then all participants have the opportunity to go through the minutes of the last steering committee meeting held in JHB, followed by each site member presentation which focuses on Y3 Work plan & pending activities, allocate activities Vs budget; challenges & risk and opportunities; Site corrective action plan before close out & compliance dates.

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