The training was held in Zimbabwe, Harare, from 15 to 17 August 2018.

Trainers: Dr Junior Mutsvangwa (BRTI), Dr Agness Farai Nhidza-Manjoro (BRTI), Dr Shungu Munyati (BRTI), Mrs Beauty Makamure (BRTI), Mrs Shelter Nyauzame (BRTI) and Mr Simon Chigeza (BRTI)
Trainees: Jonhera Catherine (AIBST-Zimbabwe); Kampira Elizabeth (BHRTT-Malawi); Kamulanje Henry (Malawi); Kathryn F. Boyd (IDRL-Zimbabwe); Manhiça Geraldo (CISM-Mozambique); Mpamhanga Chengetai (IDRL-Zimbabwe); Nhidza Anson Z (CVL-Zimbabwe); Katundu. Pauline A. (Malawi); Luanne Rodgers (BRTI-Zimbabwe).
Assessment of training objectives: the objectives were achieved as reflected by the end of course evaluation. This has prompted current requests to conduct a similar course in Malawi. However there was an issue on length of training period which the trainees indicated as short.

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