Infrastructure Upgrading

EDCTP-TESARegNet2015 regional network achievements

TESA, as a consortium, has demonstrated a strong ability to work together as a group since 2009. This collaboration, which has existed for over 10 years, started during the implementation of the first project, TESA I, then transitioned to TESA II and it is now in phase III of its implementation, TESA III.
Over these years, the results have shown consensus within the group, which facilitates the implementation of several common activities, including the situation in which policy makers are involved. The main results of the Network’s work include the following areas that represent progress towards achieving the established results.

Establishment of the three Reference Laboratories

The establishment of laboratory capacities was one of the crucial milestones for the effective creation of real capacities in relation to clinical trials., Three regional reference laboratories were established during the TESA II project:

  • Laboratory of the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM-Malaria)-Mozambique: laboratory in good working order with sufficient potential to serve as a reference laboratory. The number one priority for CISM was to become the reference laboratory accredited by ISO 15189. Finally, CISM reached the criteria for accreditation of Medical Laboratories foreseen in NP EN ISO 15189:2014 by the Portuguese Institute of Accreditation (IPAC) on 01 October 2020.
  • Botswana and Harvard Partnership (BHP-HIV laboratory)-Botswana: Fully equipped laboratory that is ISO17025 accredited and now BHP is ISO 15189 accredited
  • TB Reference Laboratory at the University of Stellenbosch (SUN)-South Arica: has been deemed the most suitable to be the TB reference laboratory and will be able to meet most of the Terms of Reference (ToR) developed from the TESA Reference Laboratories. However, if TESA’s studies/tests require more capacity than SUN can provide, the UCT will serve as a backup for some of the ToRs.

In summary, the three laboratories were established with the specific purpose of serving as reference laboratories for the TESA Network