The PREFIT kick off meeting is taking place from March 30th to April 3rd. Due to the current situation of the Corona Virus pandemic, the meeting is being done via skype with the participation of project partners namely: Netherlands, Switzerland, Uganda, South Africa, Mozambique.


The aim of PreFIT is to validate the clinical performance, cost and feasibility of a package of ready-to-use new and existing candidate diagnostic assays for prediction of the development of active TB disease.
It will focus on tests that can be done at point-of-care, and entail an evaluation-phase trial in populations of intended use across different TB high-burden settings in Southern and Eastern Africa.
PreFITs results will contribute to the development and uptake of accurate, cost-effective, scalable and field friendly diagnostic tools, in order to facilitate scale-up of preventive treatment in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

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