TESA Addressing Gender and Diversity Regional Gaps in Clinical Research Capacity

TAGENDI Fellowship scheme

Participating States Initiated Activity: Addressing Gender and Diversity Gaps in Clinical Research Capacity at the EDCTP Regional Networks Of Excellence – TAGENDI. TESA Addressing Gender and Diversity Regional Gaps in Clinical Research Capacity (TAGENDI) is the PhD fellowship program started in August 1, 2021 and will last 48 months

TAGENDI Overall aim complements TESA’s overall goal as it seeks to contribute to the reduction of the gender diversity gaps through the training of women TESA network researchers.

Specific Objectives

  1. To improve access to PhD training programs by female candidates and ensure that they complete the training.
  2. To adapt the current consortium agreement to respond to the network need on the equality and inclusion to be implemented at each institution in the network.
  3. Promote and establish networking and mobility schemes among the fellows and the EDCTP
  4. Networks of Excellence Promote the dissemination of the fellowship activities and gender balance on the training program.


This Training Program is designed to address the existing gender imbalance in Southern Africa region. 8 female candidates have been recruited for PhD training. Using the already established partnership within the TESA network, this project awarded 8 fellowships based on a very well established and transparent process to carry out their studies based in the following universities within the network:

  1. University of Cape Town,
  2. University of Zimbabwe
  3. Stellenbosch University
  4. University of Barcelona and ISGLOBAL
  5. University of Namibia
  6. University of Botswana and
  7. University of Zambia


The TESA consortium is supporting each student from grant funds to cover expenses for a modest stipend, travel and research. The training focus on the under-served health research disciplines including:

The TESAIII advisory committee is supporting this training project providing oversight of the implementation of  the training program. A mentorship program developed during TESA II will be used in this project to provide coaching support to the fellows selected for this program.
Selection of Candidates The PhD Candidates will go through a rigorous and transparent selection process to ensure that the themes and research areas for selected students are consistent with the scope of the call. As selection criteria the following aspects will be considered as major.