TESA is a consortium established with the objective to creating a framework for collaboration, capacity building and training among institutions of different Southern African institutions and European institutions to strengthen and enhance the capacities for clinical research in Southern African countries built during TESA I and II, as well as to increase the collaboration and North-South and South-South networking activities among consortium members.
Initially there were 9 countries in TESA I, 2009.
The Coordination team was based on South Africa in 2017, The TESA Consortium and entered the second phase of Implementation (TESA II) where 15 institutions (12 different Southern African institutions and 3 European institutions)

Fig. 1: TESA I, 2009 – participating countries CISM, Mozambique; BHP, Botswana; SUN, UCT-LI and LT Clinical Trial , South Africa, BRTI and UZ, Zimbabwe, BHRTI, Malawi, UTH, Zambia, UNAM, Namibia, CISA, Angola, ISGlobal, Spain, ECRIN, France; AIGHD, Amsterdam, UCL, United King down

Fig. 1: TESA II – participating countries (2017-2021)