Twelfth EDCTP Forum: Call for Abstracts and Scientific Symposia Open
Download a detailed Call for Abstracts and Scientific Symposia Advert below:
Bonolo Phinius graduates with PhD in Medical Sciences
Dr Bonolo Bonita Phinius, a TESA III sponsored PhD Fellow at the Botswana Harvard Health Partnership (BHP), has graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical Sciences from the University of Botswana (UB) today(17 October 2024). Her graduation follows the successful defense of her PhD thesis just a day before the graduation ceremony. Dr Phinius’ […]
Update on the TAGENDI PhD & MPhil Fellowship
Call for Applications for the TAGENDI PhD and MPhil Fellowship Program
Download a detailed Call for Applications Advert and the Application Form below: Fellowship Advert Application Form
TESA delivers Clinical Research Associates (CRA) Training on Clinical Trials Monitoring
Six trainees from three Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA) sites recently received a five-day practical Clinical Research Associates (CRA) training in Clinical Trials Monitoring at Botswana Harvard Health Partnership (BHP). This practical training was aimed at bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world application in the monitoring of clinical trials. The trainees […]
TESA Holds High-Level Scientific Session and Streering Committee Meeting
The Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA) convened a two-day scientific session and steering committee meeting from 8-9 May 2024 at Southern Sun Hotel in Cape Town, SouthAfrica. The meeting was hosted in a hybrid formart with both in-person and virtual particiapation. The first day was dedicated to the second TESA III’s scientific symposium […]
TESA and BHP host Stakeholder Community Engagement on Clinical Trials
In order to emphasize the importance of conducting relevant, ethical and impactful health research, the Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA) and the Botswana Harvard Health Partnership (BHP) held a stakeholder and community engagement meeting on March 19, 2024 at Cresta President Hotel in Botswana to foster a robust dialogue between researchers, research regulators, […]
Pre- Training Video (Science Management)
For the second time, members of TESA III (Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa III) met to share results and assess the progress of the project and critical implementation issues in the targeted institutions, as well as updating the Scientific Review Committee and ancillary projects, the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM) Data Centre and TAGENDI […]
Training in science management was held in Windhoek, the Namibian capital, as part of the TESA III Project (Southern African Network of Excellence for Clinical Trials) for professionals from scientific institutions and project managers. The course lasted five days and aimed to equip participants with tools for managing scientific activities at institutional and inter-institutional level […]